The wildlife in
Uganda was depleted during the years of turmoil as many of the animals
were killed by the soldiers for food. The government has established
wildlife parks and buffalo, zebra, monkeys, hippopotamus, crocodiles
and elephants can all be seen. The crocodiles and hippopotamus are
particularly prevalent on the river Nile.

Note when in Uganda if you a driving
along and meet an elephant you stop because its bigger than you and
hitting it hurts the elephant and most likely you end up dead!
Programme Ideas
- Many animals
are in danger of extinction. Find out which animals this applies
to, particularly in Africa and Uganda. Find out which organisations
are dedicated to protecting wild life in Africa and how you can
help. Prepare a presentation for the other members of your Troop.
- As a Patrol
'adopt' a protected area and carry out a community service project
to support its maintenance and preservation. The local Forestry
Commission office or the Ranger Service could provide information.
- Visit a nature
trail and take pictures of wildlife so that a display can be mounted
showing wildlife habitants and the main dangers encountered by wildlife
in your area.
People use animals for a variety of reasons some of which people
approve of and others which people would condemn. Animals are reared
for food, cosmetic production, drug testing and experiments for
transplant surgery. Hunting some animals is also seen as a sport
in the United Kingdom for example pheasant shooting and fox hunting.
- Hold a debate
with two Scouts speaking for the motion and two Scouts speaking
against. The whole Troop can then join in the debate. A motion is
written 'This Troop agrees that . . . .'.