Soroti is a town situated 180 miles North East of the Ugandan Capital city Kampala. The land around the town is completely flat with Lake Kyoga lying to the South West. Although the surrounding lands are flat, rocky outcrops rise out of the ground in places, none more spectacular than Soroti rock.
The architecture reflects it's multicultural past and it's multi denominational present. At the old Colonial part of the town one can see English style houses, whilst lining the main streets you will find buildings which commemorate the Asian influence on the town. Crennelated Mosques call to the Muslims that make up 40 % of the populace, At ground level these buildings are mostly shop fronts.
Close to the centre of town lies the Market place, a bustling area of commerce. Very few goods are imported so that items such as irons, cooking pots, stoves etc are made from old leftover drums or cars or whatever the makers can get hold of.
Scouting is based mainly in schools. Each school would have it's own troop and Scouting is considered a very important part of education. Scouts are held in high regard and are expected to maintain high standards. Community work is a vital and important part of Scouting, possibly helping to maintain the nearby villages, burying rubbish or cutting grass.
Soroti suffered agreat deal over the tempestuous years. Seven years ago the town was in the hands of insurgents. Much work has gone into rebuilding but it is a slow process. Scouting in Soroti disappeared in those troubled years but has resurged again. The Scouts have been allocated 20 acres of land outside the town for Scouting uses. At the moment it is virgin land farmed only by itinerant farmers. It is hoped that in the future the Scouts will have their own base. The land needs to be fenced and a caretaker installed. This may be the project of the future.